6 Exercises for your Upper Body with a Mini Band (Loop)

1. Tall Kneel Lat Pull

Starting position: With knees on pillow, butt slightly lifted off thighs to get the thigh muscles working, hinge from hips with torso straight. Start with loop band around forearms, palms forward, arms straight in overhead "V" position.

Movement: Simultaneously bend both elbows back and down into your sides to for a "W" position as you pull your shoulder blades down and together. Slow and controlled come back to the starting position without letting your shoulder blades shrug up.

Remember! Keep your rib cage down and maintaining abdominal bracing throughout exercise.

2. Half Kneel Horizontal Row

Starting position: Grip the loop band with both arms straight and at shoulder level in front of your chest. Pull your shoulder blades down/back slightly.

Movement: Grip the loop band with palms down, arms straight, and at shoulder height.

Remember! Perform abdominal bracing throughout this exercise.

3. No Money

Starting Position: Place loop band around your forearms, bent elbows at your side, palm facing up.

Movement: Squeeze your shoulder blades down and back, open your hands away from your body and slightly up to help maintain your elbows bent at a 90 deg angle throughout the movement. Slow and controlled bring your arms back to the starting position.

Remember! Keep your hips square in the 1/2 kneeling position.

4. Long Sit Row

Starting Position: Wrap the loop band around both feet ( performed with sneakers on to prevent sliding of the band) then sit up in tall (neutral spinal alignment) with knees bent to take slack off hamstrings as needed.

Movement: With palms facing up , drive your elbows back while pulling shoulder blades down and back, slowly release to starting position.

5. Tall Kneel Bicep Curl

Starting Position: Place one end of the loop band around your ankle of the side you'll be working on. Get into a kneeling position while sitting up tall, shoulder blades maintained down and back with your wrist, elbow, and shoulder in a straight line. .
Movement: Bend your elbow without moving your upper arm and slowly lower back down. .
Bonus! Can lift buttocks slightly off feet to get a muscle burn in the quadriceps.

6. Tall Kneel Tricep Extension

Starting Position: Get into a kneeling position while sitting up tall (in neutral spine alignment), shoulder blades maintained down and back with your elbow in line with your shoulder. Hold one end of the loop at your chest without letting it move during the exercise.

Movement: Straighten your elbow while slowly controlling the motion to a bent elbow position.

Remember! Make sure the non moving arm's shoulder blade doesn't shrug up to your ear.


5 Core Exercises to Try Instead of Sit-Ups PART 1


Posture Tips