7 Exercises for your GLUTES with a Loop Band

1. Bridges

Starting Position: Place an elastic band around your thighs just above your knees. Lie on back with both knees bent with your feet and knees in line with your hips.

Movement: Draw your belly button in towards your spine. Squeeze your buttocks and raise your buttocks off the floor to straighten out hips as much as you can without stealing motion from your low back.

Remember! Keep spine in neutral position. Maintain rib cage down.

2. BRIDGE with CLAM 🐚

Starting Position: Lie on back with both knees bent and knees/feet together on the ground. Place band around both knees.

Movement: Draw your belly button in towards your spine and lift hips up to form a straight line with your body from your knees to your shoulders.

Push your knees out to the side and then slowly bring the knees back in. Perform as many clamshells in bridge position as possible, before lowering butt down to table if possible.

Remember! Maintain your rib cage down. Limit movement from your trunk.

3. First Position Bridge

Starting Position: Place an elastic band around your thighs just above your knees. Lie on back with both knees bent, feet turned outward, but heels touching while your knees are in line with your hips.

Movement: Draw your belly button in towards your spine.

Squeeze your buttocks and raise your buttocks off the floor to straighten out hips as much as you can without stealing motion from your low back.

Remember! Keep spine in neutral position. Maintain rib cage down.

Focus on keeping the knees in line with hips entire time!

4. Marching with Core Control

Starting Position: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place an elastic band around your thighs just above your knees. Tighten the stomach by pulling the navel towards the spine.

Movement: From here, lift one knee to hip height (90 degrees) while knee stays bent. Slowly lower back to the ground. Keep alternating sides without letting pelvis of spine move.

To increase the difficulty, walk your feet away to open up the hips more while performing the motions.

Remember! Maintain spine in neutral. Hold the non-moving leg pushing into floor to engage gluteal muscles.

5. Clamshells

Starting Position: While lying on your side with your knees bent, tilt your entire torso forward and place elastic band wrapped around your thighs.

To increase glute contraction - slide the top thigh slightly forward past bottom knee.

Movement: Draw your belly button in towards your spine and lift up the top knee while keeping your feet together as shown and slowly lower back down.

Remember! Keep your pelvis facing the fall in front of you, not the ceiling.

Try placing your back up against a wall to help stabilize.

6. Side Leg Raise or Hip Abduction

Starting Position: While lying on your side, place your whole body against the wall with your bottom leg bent as needed for stabilization.

Movement: Draw your belly button in toward your spine, slide your heel (use sock or towel) into the wall and slowly raise up your top leg toward the ceiling.

Remember! Keep your knee straight and maintain your toes pointed forward the entire time. Keep your heel pushed into wall to activate gluteal muscles.

Regression: perform without a band at first.

7. Side Lying Donkey Kicks

Starting Position: While lying on your side with your knees bent at hip height, tilt your entire torso forward and place elastic band wrapped around your thighs.

Lift your top foot up while keeping your knees together.

Movement: Draw your belly button in towards your spine and kick your heel back and up while maintaining your knee bent. Donkey kick motion.

Slowly bring the back to the starting position.

Remember! Maintain core engagement. Keep the hips stacked.


Crossfit, Boxing, and Movement Thoughts from your pt


5 Core Exercises to Try Instead of Sit-Ups PART 1