Functional Upper Body Exercises with a Band
4 Upper Body Resistance Band Exercises
Band Upper Extremity, PNF, Diagonal 1 Flexion
The Setup: Stand with feet a little wider than hips width apart, anchor exercise band underneath a door or at a low height. Hold the band in one hand at hips height.
The Movement: Take the hand holding the band and bring it across your chest to the opposite shoulder, slowly release the band to your hip. Repeat.
→Keep your abs and pelvis tucked in.
Tip: Think of the movement you do to grab your seatbelt and buckle in!
→Try this to feel the burn in your shoulders and abdominals!
→Keep your abs and pelvis tucked in.
Band Upper Extremity, PNF, Diagonal 1 Extension
The Setup: Stand with feet a little wider than hips width apart, anchor exercise band at the top edge of a door or at a high height. Hold the band in one hand next to your ear.
The Movement: Pull the band across your body to your opposite hip, then slowly, release the band back to your opposite shoulder/ear.
Tip: Imagine you are taking something off your ear, and throwing it behind you!
→This is a great exercise for shoulder mobility and strength!
→Avoid flaring your ribs while pulling the band down!
Band Upper Extremity, PNF, Diagonal 2 Flexion
The Setup: Stand with feet slightly wider than hips width apart, anchor the band underneath your feet. Take the exercise band in one hand, and place it at your opposite hip to start.
The Movement: Starting at your hip, pull the band up on a diagonal until your arm is straight towards the ceiling, then slowly release the band back on a diagonal towards your hip. Repeat.
Tip: Imagine you are drawing a sword from your hip!
→Try this move to target your shoulders, arms, and abs!
→Make sure to keep your abs tucked in and avoid arching your spine.
Band Upper Extremity, PNF, Diagonal 2 Extension
The Setup: Stand with feet a little wider than hips width apart. Anchor band at a high level between a door, hold band in one hand on an upwards diagonal. Tuck the pelvis and pull the abdominal muscles in.
The Movement: Slowly, pull band on a downwards diagonal towards your opposite hip, slowly release the band to the start position. Repeat on both sides.
Tip: Imagine you are putting a sword back into your pocket.
→Make sure to keep the abdominals tucked in and maintain neutral spine!