House of Physical Therapy

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SNAG (Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide) Variations

SNAG Extension

THE SET UP: While sitting in a chair, place towel/strap/ think scarf/soft belt at the lowest part of your neck.

THE MOVEMENT: Pull the strap forward and slightly down as you bend your head/neck backward over the strap.


  • Repeat this at multiple levels throughout the spine.

  • When strap is at the mid level neck, pull straight forward.

  • When the strap is at the higher level of the neck below the base of the skull, pull forward and slightly up.


THE SET UP: While sitting in a chair, place a strap/soft belt/towel/thin scarf around neck and cross hands to grip the opposite side of the strap.

One hand will stabilize by anchoring with a downward pull (not across your neck).

  • Use same side hand to gently pull the strap in front and across your face while gently actively turning your head into a rotational direction

  • Try to keep your shoulder facing forward as your head turns. You should feel a stretch along the soft tissues where the strap is and possibly along your neck.

Perform with the strap at various angles:
🌟Lower the strap → will target the lower neck

🌟Higher the strap → will target the upper neck

To change sides, switch hands and repeat in the opposite direction.