Benefits of Cupping
Let’s Talk About Cupping!
→Cupping is an ancient technique that helps increase blow flow and circulation in the body, that can lead to a release in muscle tension. This is initiated by the suction sensation through the cups when applied to the skin.
→Here is a photo of the cupping technique used to treat back tension and pain!
Cobra with Cupping🔥
The Setup: Start lying on your stomach, and place your hands under your shoulders on the floor/ table, with your elbows tucked into your sides.
The Movement: Press up about halfway, my initiating through th upper back and shoulder blades, then pressing up through your hands. Hold for a few seconds, then release back down to the starting position.
🚨Remember! Initiate be peeling back your shoulders and engaging your upper back!
→Give this movement a try to bring movement into your upper back after long weeks of sitting at a desk! Try this movement with cupping to increase blood flood and release tension.
Cat - Cow with Cupping🔥
The Setup: Start in a table-top position on a flat/ stable surface. Draw in your abdominals and keep your spine aligned.
The Movement: Drop your chest and arch your back lifting both your head and tailbone, into a cat position. Next, round your spine and push up through your hands engaging your shoulders and lats. Tuck your tailbone into a show position. Repeat as many times as you’d like.
🚨Tip! Engage and pull up through your shoulders to turn on your latissimus dorsi muscles (aka “lats.”)
→Give this movement a try to begin your workout and get your body moving!
→Add Cupping to increase blood flow and decrease muscle tension!
⬇️Click on the link below for the video demo! ⬇️