get A Good Nights Sleep with These 3 Sleep Posture Tips

Sleep is crucial to allow our bodies to heal. Therefore making sure your body is properly supported in a mid-range, loose-pack, pain-free position throughout the night is key to staying asleep and waking up feeling refreshed.

Here’s some tips for pillow positioning depending on your sleep position:

Supine (Lying On Your Back)

The Setup:
Place 1-2 pillows under your thighs and knees with another pillow under your neck.

Make sure to pull your pillow all the way to your shoulders to support the base of your neck.

Side Lying

The Setup:
Place a thinner pillow under your trunk to help align your spine and keep your shoulders stacked. This is especially important if you have broader shoulders.

Support your head with another pillow. Be sure to pull it to the top of your shoulders to support the base of your neck.

If you suffer from hip or low back issues, place a pillow between your legs.
If you suffer from shoulder issues, support your top arm with a pillow.

Partial Prone

The Setup:
Place a pillow under one side of your chest and stomach. Flex the same- side leg (as pictured.)
If you have a longer pillow, it could also go under that bent leg. Place the corner of a pillow under your head. Your head should be supported in a slightly flexed and slightly rotated position.

Support your head with another pillow. Be sure to pull it to the top of your shoulders to support the base of your neck.

Depending on the firmness of your mattress (firmer or softer) and the types of pillows you own (down feather, memory foam, queen or king size), this may be a bit of trial and error.

Some of these pillows may not be needed every night. However, if you are experiencing acute pain, you may need more pillows to help you heal and be more comfortable overall.

Give this a try if you're typically a stomach-sleeper!


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