2 Tips To Strengthen Your Ankle Mobility
Way Ankle T-Band Part 1
The Setup:
Sit upright, wrap one end of the band around your forefoot, and hold the end of the hand with your hand.
The Movement:
Eversion - Wrap the loose end under your opposite foot, then slowly and controlled, push your foot out to the side as much as you can, while keeping your knee stable.
Inversion - Cross your opposite leg over the working ankle to push on the loose band, then slow and controlled, push your foot inward and slowly bring it back into opposite direction.
Tip: Focus on keeping your knee stable and avoid rotating your shin bone inward.
This is a great workout to strengthen your ankle muscles.
4 Way Ankle T-Band Part 2
The Setup:
Sit upright, wrap one end of the band around your forefoot, and hold the end of the hand with your hand.
The Movement:
3: Dorsiflexion - Cross the leg of the working ankle over your opposite knee, hold the resistance band directly under your foot. Start by pulling your foot straight up towards your shin bone, slowly and controlled, lower your foot back down.
4: Plantar- flexion (with knee slightly bent) Push your foot down like you are stepping on a gas pedal. This focuses on the Soleus muscle.
Reminder! Focus on keeping your knee stable and avoid rotating your shin bone inward.
Try this strengthening exercise to round out our ankle strengthening series!