House of Physical Therapy

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3 Side Lunge Exercises to increase Mobility

Side Lunge Hinge Position

→Start with legs twice as wide as shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward. Maintain neutral spine (slight arch).

→Push your hips to the back corner of the room, bend the knee, drop your chest.

Note: End position for this variation is perpendicular lines (T) between the shin on your bent leg and your torso.

→ Maintain equal pressure on your big toe and pinky toe as you press into your heel to stand up.

Goal: stretch in the adductor (inner thigh) of the straight leg, work in the glute and back of the thigh on the bent leg.

Side Lunge to March

→Start with your feet together and take a big step to right side with your foot facing forward.

→As you maintain your left knee straight and foot planted, drive your right hip backward into a squat position with your knee staying in line with your 2nd toe.

→Go as low as you can control and then stand back up bringing your feet together.

→To challenge your balance:
Repeat and explode back to the standing position while driving that knee towards your chest into a marcher position.
Pause for a couple of seconds to challenge your balance.
Then slowly lower your leg, back into the side lunge position.

→The slower the movement, the more challenge to your balance systems
→The quicker the movement, it will still challenge balance, but also generate more power.

Side Lunge with Kettle Ball

→Stand with your feet facing forward and well beyond shoulder width while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell at your chest.

→Shift your weight to one side as that hip drives backwards and into a squat maintaining that hip, knee and ankle aligned. Your other leg should remain planted with a straight knee (may even feel an inner thigh stretch during this).

→Go as low as your can control with good form and return to standing. Repeat this sequence shifting to the opposite leg. Both feet stay planted in a wide leg position as you switch to each leg.

To increase core and gluteal activation - Place the weight behind your head as you perform this exercise.