House of Physical Therapy

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5 Core Exercises to Try Instead of Sit-Ups PART 1

1. Dead Bugs

Starting position: Take a deep breath, on the exhale draw your belly button to your spine WITHOUT pushing your back into the floor. This is neutral spine.

Movement: Lower opposite leg and arm without losing neutral spine. Your torso from ribs to pelvis should stay perfectly still!

Remember! Maintain drawing your belly button in towards the spine. Keep breathing!

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2. Bird Dogs

Starting position: Shift your weight so that it is even between both hands and both knees. The goal is to stay even through the entire exercise. The less you shift, the harder the exercises is!

Movement: On the EXHALE draw your belly button to your spine. Try not to move the koala! Only lift legs and arms as far as you can without losing neutral spine.

Remember! Think reach toward the walls instead of lift to the ceiling.

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This next exercise has FOUR options in one!

3. Slider Variations in Plank

Starting position: Begin in a plank with hands at chest line, on the EXHALE draw the belly button to the spine.


  1. Marching - bring one knee straight forward while maintaining neutral spine.

  2. Hip abduction - slide your leg out to the side.

  3. Obliques - opposite knee to elbow without twisting your waist.

  4. Shoulder taps - try to minimize any motion during weight shifting.

Remember! Everything else remains still during the movement. The less you allow your torso to move the better the core is working!

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4. Body Saw

Starting position: Forearm plank with arms on towel or sliders. Draw belly button in towards spine, maintain body as straight as a board from head to feet!

Movement: Before you start, slightly push away your upper body from ground to stabilize scapulas. Slide arms forward backward without shifting your body.

Remember! Start small this is very challenging!

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5. Lower Ab Twist

Starting position: Start by drawing the belly button in, maintain neutral spine as you bring your legs up.

Movement: Slowly twist legs to the side without letting your shoulders come up. Hold the core tight! When you get back to center, lower the legs for an extra challenge.

Remember! This is an advanced exercise! If you feel pressure in your low back stop and reset your neutral spine.

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