What’s the goal of your squat?
Squat with Loop Band
→Squats are a crucial exercise to master as they translate directly to functional activities of daily life. Master the squat and dead lift (later this week) movement patterns to significantly reduce your risk for injury.
1. Start in standing with feet at a width that feels comfortable to you.
2. Draw your belly button in towards your spine, create an arch lift with a slight push of your knees to the sides.
3. Next, hinge at the waist while keeping your back straight and upright as this will protect your back when holding weights.
→Your buttock should lower back/behind your feet as if you are going to sit on a seat (place a CHAIR behind you in beginning to facilitate the hip hinge pattern).
→Maintain your knees slightly pushing outward to keep them in line with your 2nd toe throughout the squat.
People often ask about form. Well, first what is the goal of the exercise you’re doing?
If your goal is to emphasize GLUTEAL muscles, push your weight through your heels to and don't allow your knees to pass your toes.
If your goal is to emphasize QUADRICEPS, push your weight evenly through your foot as you allow your knees to go forward over toes.
→To make this EASIER - start without band or place band above knees.
→To make this more CHALLENGING - place band below knees along lower leg and hold a dumbbell.