Try These Ankle Mobility Drills at home

Short Medial Arch

The Setup:
Stand with feet flat on the floor with your knees relaxed, or this move can be done sitting.
The Movement:
Slowly, "tent" the arch of the foot to create an arch by pulling the muscles at the base of the foot and engaging your calf muscle. Release and repeat on both sides.
Remember! Think of pulling the arch of the foot off the floor, without crunching the toes!

This is a great workout to warm up the feet, for balance, and for painful bunions!

⬇️Click on the link below for the video demo!⬇️

Heel Raise with Ball Squeeze

The Set Up:
Stand close to a wall, place finger tips against the wall to maintain balance as needed. Place a ball between your heels with your feet facing forward and parallel to each other while, keeping your knees straight but not locked out.
The Movement:
Raise your heels off the floor onto your forefoot, while simultaneously squeezing the ball between your heels. Keep your knees straight the entire time! Lower your heels, and repeat.
Tip!: Your weight should be evenly distributed from the base of your big toe, to your pinky toe. Don’t lean into the wall!

Try this exercise to target your calf muscles and hamstrings!


The Set Up:
Stand with feet hips width distance apart.
The Movement:
Rise up on your toes by lifting the heel of the affected leg off the ground. Slide your foot backwards while maintaining pressure on your forefoot and toes. Slowly lower your heel down to a straightened knee, while keeping your toes off the ground and hold toes up for 5 seconds. Repeat.
Remember! Think about engaging your buttock muscles during this motion.

Try this move out to improve ankle stability!


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