2 Exercises to Help You Recover After Running

“Wall running” is a great way to get your heart rate up without a treadmill in the house.

Triple Extension with Increasing Cadence

3X is the simultaneous extension of your hips, knees and ankles.

This is a common drill we use with runners, weight lifters, basketball players, gymnasts...really with any athlete that requires power production!

We use a variety of triple extension drills in our PT program. Using the wall is a great place to start!

Triple Extension with Knee Drive

THE SET UP: Start with hands shoulder width pressing into the wall to engage abs and maintain midline.

THE MOVEMENT: Come up to your end position, knee at hip height, opposite leg in the fully extended position - hip, knee, ankle.

Slowly lower to a lunge shifting your weight posterior 3-2-1-pause.

Quickly drive the knee up while extending the opposite leg - hip, knee, ankle. Pause at the top checking your form.

Play with the timing in this version. The focus is on transferring a slow controlled eccentric movement into a quick burst of power.


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Try These Ankle Mobility Drills at home