Lunge Into These 6 Exercises On Leg Day!

Multi Directional Lunges Part 1

The Setup: Ready stance on a mat or flat surface. Slider/ point of reference for lunges optional.

The Movement: Step out with your left foot to the top left hand corner of your mat/towards the point of reference object in a lunge position. Push up back to start. Step out with your right foot to the back right corner of your mat/ towards the point of reference. Stand back up to start, repeat.

Remember! Push your hips back and make sure your knee is tracking over your toes.

Give this exercise a try to engage your glutes and lower body!

Multi Directional Lunges Part 2

The Setup: Ready stance on a flat surface- you may use two objects (sliders shown in video) as a target point.

The Movement: Step out with your left foot to the target point at the top left corner of your space, into a lunge position. Push up through your heel and engage your glute, to stand back to start.
Step out with your left food again to the back left corner corner of your space where the second target is. Push through your heel to stand up back to your ready stance, and repeat.

Remember! Ensure your spine stays aligned during this exercise but pushing your hips back and engaging your abdominals.

Give this lunge challenge a try to balance out your left side from our first multi directional lunges video!

Multi Directional Lunges Part 3

The Setup: Stand on a mat/flat surface- you may use two objects (sliders shown in video) as a target point. As an add on, use hand weights for additional lower body work.

The Movement: Step out with your right foot to the target point at the top right corner of your space into a 90/90 lunge position (bend you front and back leg at 90 degrees.) Push up through your front heel to stand back up to the starting position.
Step out with your left foot into a 90/90 lunge, towards the top left corner of your mat where the second target is. Push through your front heel to stand up back up and repeat.

Tip! When steeping out into the lunge, ensure that your front knee is tracking over your toe, and is not going forward over your ankle.

Try out this movement as a level up and great complement to our first two lunge videos!

Multi Directional Lunges Part 4

The Setup: Stand on a mat/flat surface- you may use two objects (sliders shown in video) as a target point.

The Movement: Step out with your right foot and twist your body towards the target point at the back right corner of your space into a lunge position. Push up through your heel of the right left to stand back up to the starting position.
Step out with your left foot into a lunge, towards the back left corner of your mat where the second target is. Push through your heel of your left leg, to stand back up to the starting position.

Remember! Keep your spine aligned when lunging to protect your spine and lower back.

Multi Directional Lunges Part 5

The Setup: Stand on a mat/flat surface- you may use two objects (sliders shown in video) as a target point.
Progression: Use dumb bells for added weight.

The Movement: Step out with your right foot towards the target on the top right corner of your mat, into a 90/90 lunge. Push up through your front heel to engage your glute, and return to the starting standing position.
Next, step across your body towards the left target on the top lefthand corner of your mat, into a curtsy lunge. Push up through your front heel, and uncross your legs back to the starting position. Repeat a few reps on the right side.

Remember! Make sure your right knee stays turned out during the curtsy lunge!

Multi Directional Lunges PT. 6

The Setup: Stand on a mat/flat surface- you may use two objects (sliders shown in video) as target points.

The Movement: Step across your body towards the left target on the top left hand corner of your mat, into a curtsy lunge. Push up through your front heel, and uncross your legs back to the starting position. Pause for a brief moment.
Next: Step out with your right foot to the back right corner of your mat into a side lunge with your hips squared towards the right side of your space. Push up through your right heel back to the starting position. Repeat 5 times, and switch sides.

Tip! Brace your abdominals to keep yourself sturdy and centered during this lunge challenge!

Give this lunge sequence a go to round-out our Multi Directional Lunge series, and really feel your glute muscles!


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