Work on our scapular control with 3 exercises

Scapular Clocks

The Setup:
Sit on a physioball with feet shoulder width apart. Find your neutral spine.

The Movement: Engage your shoulder blades, and slowly move your shoulders in the following "clock" patterns:

12/6 (elevation and depression)
3/9 (protraction and retraction)
1/7 (lower trap activation)
11/5 (lower trap activation)

Remember! Try to keep your neck in neutral, we're working towards developing motor control of your shoulder blades in all motions.

Scapular Posterior Tipping : Back View

The Setup: Sit on a physioball or surface that is comfortable for this exercise. Stack your shoulders over your pelvis. Exhale as your draw your belly button in toward your spine to engage your abdominals.

The Movement: Think you have a pencil coming out the side of your shoulder- draw a rainbow with your shoulder blade only! In this video, you can see how the rest of your center stays still. Remember! Keep your abdominals engaged, and don't let the ribcage flare!

Try this move out again with the help of our back facing video!

Here you can see how the shoulder blades engage, and have a wide range of motion throughout the duration of the movement.

Scapular Posterior Tipping : Side View

The Setup: Sit on a physioball or surface that is comfortable for this exercise. Stack your shoulders over your pelvis. Exhale as your draw your belly button in toward your spine to engage your abdominals.

The Movement: Think you have a pencil coming out the side of your shoulder- draw a rainbow with your shoulder blade only!
Remember! Don’t let your rib cage flare during this exercise!

The exercise is great for shoulder mobility & neck or shoulder stiffness after a long day at the desk.


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2 Movements That Will Focus On Your Shoulders